What is Buddhism? Applications - Final Chapter What is the Ideal Buddhist Way of Life?

   In light of what has been discussed in this series, what exactly constitutes the ideal way of life?

    Here is a summary of the main points:

 1. As a follower of the Buddha's teachings, contribute to the well-being of all living beings and take action to spread awareness that it is the duty of all humankind to ensure that all living beings are free from suffering and able to live in peace.

 2. As an advocate of the Buddhist Bodhisattva way of life, personally practice the principle of valuing others as much as oneself, and strive to expand the circle of empathy so that it becomes a common principle for all mankind.

 3. Recognize that all the events we experience in our daily lives reflect the accumulation of our own actions from the past. Strive to improve the totality of our accumulated actions by realizing their meaning for the present conditions and improving our actions and way of thinking, especially toward others.

4. Understand deeply the Buddhist principle of Dependent Originations and live in a way that contributes to the well-being of all beings with whom we interact, realizing that nothing we experience is unrelated to us.

 5. In daily interactions with others, always try to put ourselves in the other person's shoes and make an effort to understand their thoughts and feelings, rather than being caught up in our own viewpoints. Think about what we can do to contribute to their happiness.

 6. Recognizing that we are kept alive by an infinite number of connections, both in the flow of time and in the expanse of space, try to live in a way that allows us to appreciate and give back to each of these connections.

7. Keep in mind that although Buddhist scriptures are fundamentally for the study of the Buddha's teachings, they are ultimately for the realization of all that we are. When we recite the sutras, do so while being aware of the distance between their contents and our current state of mind. Strive to become aware of areas for self-improvement and share such awareness with the people around us.

 8. By reading the Buddhist scriptures and sharing what we have realized with those around us, our awareness can become a catalyst for others to achieve their own awareness. When that person shares their awareness with others, it may trigger the awareness of many more people. In this way, the chain of awareness is expected to spread infinitely in Mahayana Buddhism.

 9. The root of all evils that threaten the peaceful existence of human beings and other living beings, causing suffering and sorrow, is human greed, selfishness, hatred, envy, vanity, self-righteousness, and other follies. Buddhism teaches the way to eliminate these vices from their roots. Therefore, to eliminate all misery and sorrow in this world, all mankind can learn from Buddhism how to eliminate our own vices by becoming aware of our foolishness and humbly reflecting on it. We, as followers of the Buddha's teachings, should be aware of our mission to make this known to all mankind.

 10. Over the years, superstitions, unscientific beliefs, misunderstandings, and assumptions have led to unfortunate conflicts and great sacrifices. However, Buddhist knowledge is so useful to everyone that modern science often validates its teachings. In this sense, we should be aware that Buddhism can be an indispensable guideline for the future of humanity, regardless of ideological or religious differences, and we should make this fact known to the world.

   These points outline the ideal way of life for a follower of Buddhist teachings. It is hoped that these guidelines and goals will be embodied in concrete actions through the efforts and wisdom of each of us, and that the circle of such actions will expand to all humankind.

    I would like to conclude this series by emphasizing once again that it is up to each of us to make the most of the wisdom of Buddhism.

   Thank you very much for following along until the end.

(If you would like to watch this entire article with audio and subtitles on You Tube, please click on this link.)


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